Legal notice & Privacy policy

We comply with the GDPR data protection laws and we would like to inform you comprehensively about the processing of your data with the following confidentiality provisions. This document, which is currently being revised, may not answer your question. Don’t hesitate to contact us directly to obtain the clarification you require. Our practices are meant to be flawless, if you detect any issue, please let us know so we can improve forthwith.


This website is published by TRADUS MEDICAL, SAS with capital of 2000€ registered with RCS Paris as number 853 116 770 /  Siret 853 116 770 00019 / Code NAF 4646Z / intra-community VAT number : FR 84 853116770 Headquarter :  128 rue de la Boétie, 75008 Paris, France

Publishing manager

René FICARA is the publishing managerYou can contact him by e-mail at contact[at]

Design, website & webmastering

This site has been created by Jérôme VADON who also carries out technical and editorial maintenance on behalf of the publisher and under the control of the publishing manager.


The site is hosted by 1&1 IONOS SARL  located at 7 place de la Gare, 57201 SARREGUEMINES


Photo credits are mainly assignable to GE Healthcare or, failing that, to Adobe PhotoStock or Freepik platforms, except in the case of content provided by the publisher or its partners. In this case, any specific credits are indicated at least in the “title” ballista. The illustrations are mainly attributable to Jérôme VADON. If you have any questions about licenses, please contact the publisher directly.

Personal data collected usage

We do not collect any information other than that provided deliberately via our contact forms. This information, which is kept within the framework of our commercial exchanges, for our single use, are also kept for backup purposes on our website for a period not exceeding 12 months, before being subject to an automatic processing for deletion. This information is not subject to resale.

If you wish to delete or modify all or part of this information, simply contact us on contact [at] (or by any other means at your convenience) and we will do our best to satisfy your request as soon as possible.

Data security

In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, you have rights of opposition (art. 26 of the law), of access (art. 34 to 38 of the law) and rectification (art. 36 of the law) of  you personal data. We also undertake to setup appropriate measures to secure and protect the confidentiality of data transmitted via the contact forms, as well as their automatic deletion at the end of the initial retention period.

Limit of responsibilities

Hypertext links to other websites do not engage the publisher responsibility for the content of these sites. Access to all other websites linked to this website is at the risk of the user. The publisher cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website, or the impossibility for a third party to use it, or a malfunction, interruption, a virus, resulting from access to or use of this site or any sites linked to it. The documents offered for consultation are edited under the sole responsibility of their respective authors and made available by the publisher for information only.

« Data protection & freedom» law

Any copy of pages on the site must have obtained the publishing manager approval. The creation of links with the publisher’s website is subject to the prior publishing manager agreement. All pages of this website are protected by French copyright law and legislation on the protection of databases. No reproduction of this document, even partial, other than that provided for in article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, may be made without the express authorization of the publisher.


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